in the Wild- und Erlebnispark Daun you can go on a safari on foot or by car. For the kids there is a very large playground. Directly in front of the parc there is a tobogganrun , it’s a good fun for all ages. The Falconry and the Apes are two of the highlights of the parc.
The waterfalls in Nohn are one of a kind in the region. After a long walk threw the beautiful landscape you’ll be rewarded with the waterfall.
Next to Cochem you’ll find the Wild & Freizeitpark Klotten. Here you can enjoy wildlife and cool rides. The Waterride with the big drop is the highlight of the parc.
The Laacher Lake ist next to the Benediktinerabtei Maria Laach. You can still see the bubbles in the Lake from the active magmachamber underneath the lake.
The Maare ( Vulcano lakes ) of the Eifel are one of natures finest creations. It’s always nice to walk there and in some of them you can even take a swim.